Sunday, November 30, 2008

Qantas Saga

Previously on The Qantas Saga... Click HERE for a recap.

Present Day:
"The captain of a Qantas Airbus A330 carrying 168 passengers to Singapore had to shut down an engine and turn back to Perth after an oil warning light flashed, the airline said Saturday."

"The incident was the latest in a series of problems suffered by Australia's troubled national airline in recent months.

Last week two Qantas jumbos were damaged when they collided on the ground at a maintenance base.

In October, a computer glitch caused a Qantas plane to do a 200-metre mid-air nosedive, injuring more than 70 people, with some suffering broken bones.

In July, a Qantas Boeing 747-400 made an emergency landing in Manila after a mid-air blast caused by an exploding oxygen bottle punched a hole in the fuselage during a flight from Hong Kong to Melbourne."

Click HERE for full article.

In Memoriam

Click HERE for full article.

Ms. Lo Hwei Yen may you rest in peace.

Terrorists/freedom-fighters may you rest in pieces. =)

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Mmmm... Subi Weekend Market!

Friday, November 28, 2008


A$160 worth of presents.


Praisey with a friend (nice turquoise colour) at Harbour Town!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tommy Thursday

As you might have guessed from the title, I'd spent most of my day in Tommy, again. Haha! Had lunch at student cafe before going down to school to collect Qin's essay from A. Prof Walker's office. The receptionist was rather friendly. Oh well, mission accomplished, as mentioned in the previous post. =)

Popped by Tommy for free internet again. Brought my wireless router too, so everyone was happy! =)

Came back for a delicious dinner cooked by Skye and Joanne. Thanks. Ate yesterday's leftover Tiramisu. Bummed around more. Went to visit Jacq and the rest of the Tommy people staying here in Perth. Chatted under the stars for awhile before returning to the comfort of home.

The highlight of the day was waiting 30min on the telephone for a damned SIA customer service operator to pick up the damned phone. Changed my flight to 1st Dec 2008, so I'll be seeing you soon.

P. S. Praisey has been well-behaved. Gonna give her a wash and a good drink of cheap fuel before I return. =)

Mission Accomplished

Qin! I collected your essay already. The receptionist said that your letter of approval was cute. Hah! =) =)
See you soon. Stay smiley!!

A Piece of Orchard

The lights are soooo pretty! Thank you, Qin. =)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ciao Italia

Alright, I met Nick for lunch at Broadway, and he's been complaining that there is absolutely nothing to do in Perth. I strongly agree. Just please stop going to the casino k?

Spoke to my supervisor online on msn, and he told me to go back to Singapore to have fun and enjoy myself. But there was a catch, I had to show him some progress for my fyp in Feb. Time to starting improving the fyp, I guess. Hope he has a fun trip to Hong Kong! =)

Went to school again on a hunt for A. Prof Walker, who's not around, again. Went to the English Dept. office, but it so happened to be their lunch time! Grrr.. Guess, I'll be going to school again tomorrow. Getting used to the presence of the peacocks.

Spent some time in Tommy again, leeching off the free internet! And well, watched a few rounds of Mr Yang play NFS: Undercover. Nice Evo X btw. But cannot beat my GTR34. LOL!

Chilled abit with Nick, then headed back to Tommy to meet up with Fabs and the rest for Ciao Italia! Wish you were here. The food was great! Had super a lot of seafood dishes, chilli mussells too. Not to mention my favourite, Tiramisu! It was definitely worth the A$40 I paid. =\

Good news is that I'll be leaving next week, since I've got the green light to go back to SG to continue the project and enjoy my summer holidays. I'll be seeing you soon. =)

Another lazy night passing by...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Here and There

Went to look for Dr Herbert in the morning and then went to look for Assoc. Prof Walker. Both were no where to be found! So I adjourned to Tommy to look for free internet connection, thanks Mr Yang! =) I hope you enjoy the tv shows.

Duty tutors are mean. They tried to chase me off the premises just because I was not staying there for the summer break. C'mon... Give me a break, I'll be coming back to college anyway next sem. Oh well.

Took Dan's car out for a spin, acceleration still as slow as crawling. LOL! Cleared the back garden of leaves and did some laundry.

Ended the day with a trip to Mr Burger's place for a choir bbq. Yes, traditional wood-fire bbq with drain-covers as the grill. Had chicken wings, drumsticks, hotdogs, steak and apple crumble with cookies & cream ice-cream! So filling.

Till tomorrow's adventure then... Signing off.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Lazy Monday

HELLO MONDAY!! Couldn't wake up on time to go to school to meet my supervisor. =( Oh well, there's always tomorrow. He's always in school anyway. =)
Went back to Tommy to help Gen shift remaining stuff to the store, went marketing, bought food to cook for tonight as I am the Duty Chef for the night in my household. =)
Decided to cook "Black Sauce Meat with Potatoes and Onions" and "Cabbage with Abalone" and "ABC soup". And my favourite is still "Black Sauce Meat with Potatoes and Onions". Not as saltish as I had expected it to be. Guess my dad had taught me how to cook well. =)
Nothing beats a home-cooked meal. Really. And no, I do not have any intentions of shifting out from Tommy.
So far so good. Heroes tomorrow!! =)
Here's me, signing off and going to take a shower on a cold and rainy Monday night in Perth.
Thinking of all the people in Singapore.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The thing about Abalones

The thing about abalones is that they suck hard onto the reef. Woke up at 5am in the morning, went to North Beach again (same place we had recce-ed yesterday) to fish for abalones! It was my first time fishing for abalones and it was fun!
Fully equipped with my goggles, snorkel, 3mm diving vest with hood, new surf shorts, gloves, diving boots, screwdriver and my measuring gauge. I braved the strong currents on knee-high water levels. Sounds simple enough. There were a lot of 6cm or more sized abalones along the reef. I saw a couple of star fish too! Brown ones n oranges ones! So pretty! Next time, I'll get a water-proof camera to take pictures of them. Caught 10 of them.
Ran into Jeannie & Kristi at Subi on the way back home. Didn't have the time to chat as they were crossing the road and I was in the car.
Happy Birthday Gen! Dim Sum lunch and birthday cheesecake was GREAT! We ate at this restaurant left of the Easy-way CPP. Was super crowded though. Food was worth the wait.
Church as per normal, and my last ever dinner at Tommy for this sem was the worst ever! Burnt Lamb Chops. Sigh.
Kill abalone and clean dead abalone time! All white and ready for storage/cook! =)
Finally shifted all my stuff to Dan's place and sent him off to the airport in the middle of the night. Scary to drive back from the airport all alone. But don't worry, I'm back safe and sound.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


So, it was a bright and sunny day and my new housemates and I decided to go snorkeling at North Beach. The waves were stronger than expected but we managed to live through the currents.
I saw this huge, fat fish that was minding its own business near the reef. Along with it were lots and lots of abalone! Not to mention, tonnes of seaweed.
Some of the corals were so pretty too. A really nice sight. You should see it one day.

After snorkeling, there was a sale at Osbourne Park, apparels and surf-wear were like 50% off! And well, I bought this RED quiksilver surf-shorts in anticipation for abalone fishing tomorrow! Need to wake up at 5am in the morning though.

I borrowed some car polish from a friend and got rid of the blue stain on Praisey's butt!! She's all clean and white again. Speaking of clean, I gave her a rinse too. She's one happy car! =)

Since I need to wake up early tomorrow, so here's good night.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

1 Left

Now and then

"Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I'd stare too long
I'd probably break down and cry" -G & R

Thursday, November 13, 2008

White Tigers

Click HERE for full article.

In summary, man cleans tiger enclosure, tigers not happy, tigers attack man, man dies, police close tiger exhibit for further investigation. All in the Singapore Zoo.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

You can stand on my feet.

Acts 26:16
But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee.


Original image from HERE

Do your best! You know I'm supporting you.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

3 Left


"Intuitive aptitude is the ability to understand the structure and operation of complex systems without special education or training. However, it also compels the holder to understand as much as they can."
Click HERE for full story.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sleep when tired

Some of these studies may have real implications for students. One researcher claims that it would be better for students to review information until they were tired, then slept, as opposed to pulling an all-nighter [source: BBC].

Monday, November 3, 2008

I Hate This Part Right Here

"I can't take it any longer
Thought that we were stronger
All we do is linger
Slipping through our fingers
I don't wanna try now
All that's left is good-bye
To find a way that I can tell you"

Saturday, November 1, 2008