Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 05 of Working-land - The Pay(back) Day

Reimbursed for my first week of work. Gonna leave the loot in the bank to grow and harvest.

Wait for the big cheque coming in on the 25th. Every 25th in fact.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 04 onwards of Working-land

Hello and welcome.

Today we learn the lessons of progressive on-job training.

1. Watch how the supervisor does the Excel Worksheet.
2. Learn the ropes of what is needed and what is not.
3. Make your own template.
4. Choose the right descriptions.
5. Get the pricing right. (*IMPORTANT*)
6. Save the files often in different filenames. (Eg. Revision1, 2, etc.)
7. Always get supervisor to check and double-check.
8. Email to everyone involved. Use Cc. and Bcc.
9. Rinse and repeat.

Now you're ready to face Working-land head-on.
All the best in your future endeavours.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 03 of Working-Land - Meeting minutes

Let's start off where all working days start off - in the morning. I decided to leave later to see how late I would be if I had missed my usual bus. And damn, I think I'll just stick to my usual bus.

The "next" bus took so long to arrive, that the crowd that gathered had filled the entire bus stop. And well, when it finally arrived, it was a single-deck bus. Figures. I rather settle with the double-deck one - at least got seats.

So I arrived at the office, 2 minutes late. And lo and behold, no one was there still! I think I'll just be there earlier, and leave office at 6pm on the dot.

Came lunch, my department decided to lunch with the procurement ladies. JTC and vegetarian food went well together. And then, it rained. Figures.

After lunch, more training notes to read... Then came the main highlight of the day, THE MEETING. Spent the entire rest of the day in the meeting room, listening and taking down notes. I did my part by contributing an excellent find... There was a mistake on one of the amounts. We were making a loss instead of a profit. So after I had corrected it, we made a huge profit! Yay for my company, boohoo for the client. But as long as I have the interest of the company at hand, I'll be alright. :D

Tips of the day: Stay alert, be prepared, look out for mistakes! And well, always listen to your seniors, they have "been there and done that". Experience counts.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 02 of Working-Land - Signs in the office.

Due to time constraints, pictures were not available at time of publication. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, read Day 03 - Meeting minutes.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 01 of Working-Land - The Rules

Alright, for the benefit of those people who have not experienced the working world yet, here's some rules for surviving Working-Land.

Rule #1:
Always arrive early for the 1st day of work... I arrived at 8:20am although work starts at 8:30am.

Rule #2:
Read the contract carefully. Check your name, i/c number, address. Check the notice to tender period, check the medical benefits, check all the other stuff. I checked, and double check.

Rule #3:
Orientate yourself to the new environment. I was introduced to all the staff on the 3rd level, 2nd level and the 1st floor receptionist. Most importantly, check where all the emergency exits are.

Rule #4:
Know how to use the photocopy machine. That's the most basic thing to do... Starting from the bottom of the corporate ladder... Well, the 3rd rung.. 1st two rungs are the cleaner and the coffee-boy.

Rule #5:
Reading the training material. Basically what I read for the rest of the day.

Rule #6:
Eat lunch with your department colleagues. That's what I did.

Rule #7:
Contribute your useful computer hardware knowledge to the department. Well, cos my other colleague needed to get a new computer for work, and he only had S$1000 budget. Hence, we visited and got prices for the new com. +Brownie points.

Rule #8:
Although a pre-employment medical check-up is free, bring more money for taxi fare. I only had S$10, and all of that was spent on the taxi fare to and from the medical centre. But check out Rule #9.

Rule #9:
Always take the receipt from the taxi driver. Just because you can claim transport allowance on certain occasions, such as mandatory medical screenings.

Rule #10:
Always leave work after your boss leaves. Well, my supervisor accompanied me through the medical screening. So I guess that qualifies.

And that's how you survive Day 01 of Working-Land. Stay tuned for Day 02 - Signs in the Office.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009