Tuesday, May 27, 2008

And in the news...

Here's some interesting news for the week of 26th May 2008.

In the world of technology,

Samsung's SSD

Samsung's 1TB HDD

In the world of food,
Food in college just got better! For one friggin' meal. We had laksa for lunch on 27th May 2008 ! And damn, it was good. Not too spicy, not too much coconut milk. Very nice. Very colourful too. Mark this day in history, it shall be remembered for generations to come!

Commercial break. And oh, Happy Birthday, JL. Mine's coming soon.

Back to happy news, moving on, there's been really happy dreams lately. Mostly of girls, partying, having good clean fun, nothing bad, nothing bad, it's all good. Sad news alrert! Except the part where there's this lonely girl, of whom shall not be named. Just too bad for her. I'll treasure the memories.

More happy news, my neighbour, N, just got his QUAD CORE 2.4gHz, 4GB ram, 750GB HDD, 256MB ATI GFX Card, computer. Not to mention a friggin' 24" Widescreen LCD with remote and tv card. I can watch movies from my room using his computer, yes, that's how huge the monitor is.

Sad news, my final year project just took a leap into the technologically advanced direction. We're all upgrading to touchscreens and iMacs. This means, more headache for programmers and interfacing. That's for future me to worry about.

I end the news with a quote, "If it's not broken, don't fix it".

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