Thursday, November 18, 2010

Stupidity Factor - Example 1

Rewind to when the new Accounts guy joined the company... Looks like crap.. Talks like crap.. and has absolutely no IQ.

Take exhibit 1:
Doesnt hold the damned lift door open, cos combing hair in front of the mirror was more important..

Exhibit 2:
He was having a cough, and me, being me, offered him my newly bought Fisherman's Friend. Note: It is the packaging that has the resealable ziplock thing. I had already taken 1 or 2 out from the pack, and resealed it. Handed it over to him sealed. The pack came back with 2 openings, and the sealed ziplock part was still sealed. He cut the other end to take out the sweet. WHAT THE HELL?! WHO DOES THAT?! $!@%

Last of all:
He doesnt listen to instructions from his boss, hence, the boss shouts at him, and irritates the hell out of the whole office. You know like a kid? U tell the kid not to do something, eg. dont touch the vase. The kid touches it, and breaks it. LISTEN TO YOUR BOSS DUMBASS!

:D Till next episode then.. Chill out!