Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Quiet Time

Well, only recently, I've discovered how important Quiet Time is. There's just too much noise in this world. Too noisy to hear the whispers of God. I've seen so much happening in so little time lately. Friends, family, everyone is affected.

Clueless still? It is the way we want to live life. Some of us want to live life for ourselves. Others, wanna live life for someone else.

I think Einstein was right. Everything in this universe is related to one another. Time and studies. Time and friends. Time and money. It's just so sad to see a person feel so down based on things that person didn't do. You know who you are. All I can say is that, don't put all the weight of the world on ur shoulders. There's friends around to share the burden. That's what friends are for.

And what has this got anything to do with Quiet Time, you ask. Well, thank God for the friends you have. Anything that happens, it happens for a reason. Only God will know, cos He knows best. Spend more time praying to Him. And this is only the WAKE UP CALL.

We are all God's dogs, loyal. Doing the stuff that He asks us to do, voluntarily or involuntarily, and enjoy the fruits that our work has reaped. We're not cats, just lying around, waiting for God to do something for us. Thank you, D, for the input and sharing it with me.

So to end off, spend some time with God today. Thank Him for all the wonders He's done. Here's something to start with...

Dear Lord, thank you for making the sun shine today. Thank you for this beautiful day that You have given to me. I love you and please continue to take care of my friends and I throughout the day. And I must apologise in advance for all the wrong that I may do today. Because You are so loving and forgiving, I am so blessed to have You in my life. Amen.

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