Friday, June 11, 2010

Vote for PAP!

Something I picked off from Yahoo News... And I quote:

"Why should Singaporeans vote for the PAP?

You voted for PAP, and you get to pay 7% GST instead of 5%.

You voted for PAP, and they peg power to the price of oil even when
80% of Singapore’s power comes from natural gas.

You voted for PAP and your CPF money gets lock up for another 3 years
more than the original.

You voted for PAP, and your ministers demanded a 85% pay raises.

You voted for PAP, and your job went to a foreigner.

You voted for PAP, and your neighbors become foreigners.

You voted for PAP, and your elderly gets to enjoy the dignity of
employment by cleaning toilets, scavenging trash bins for aluminum
cans and selling tissue papers.

You voted for PAP, and your minsters tell you it is your fault that
Mas Selemat escaped.

You voted for PAP, and your government would rather lose millions at
sinking foreign banks rather than to save you from starvation.

You voted for PAP, and not only do your ministers literally spit on
you, but their scions tell you to “get out of their elite uncaring

You voted for PAP, and you are amply rewarded with ERPs at your doorstep.

You voted for PAP, and Lee Hsien Loong pledged to fix the oppositions.

You voted for PAP, and you got a Division 3 Prime Minister who needs 2
mentors to hold his hand.

You voted for PAP, and you got a large serving of Mee Siam Mai Hum, at
your own expense.

You voted for PAP, and your salary stayed stagnant for more than a
decade while the cost of living shoot sky high.

You voted for PAP, and you see the foreign kids get a place in school
while you child get zilch.

You voted for PAP, and you find that your public transport is no
longer “public”.

You voted for PAP, and your ministers want to house 1,500 foreign
workers right smacked in the middle of a peaceful neighborhood without
any concerns for you.

You voted for PAP, and the government readily reward your men with
more hookers than they can ever poked in Geylang.

You voted for PAP, and your government happily demands $5000 ang pao
from you when your maid runaway or get pregnant even though you had
nothing to do with it.

You voted for PAP, and your government glorify themselves with Olympic
sized banners of their ghastly faces to scare away ghosts during the
Chinese 7th month, courtesy of your S&C contribution to your town
councils which is suppose to go toward making life in your
neighborhood better.

You voted for PAP, and they protect the interests of the petrol
companies by making you pump 3/4 tank before you cross the causeway.

You voted for PAP, and they see nothing wrong with fining you for
driving a foreign registered car into Singapore.

You voted for PAP, and you discover that world-class super talented
multi-million dollar minister with all the state resources and
manpowers cannot even catch a limping man in this tiny island state
after more than half a year.

You voted for PAP, and you realise that your MP’s job is not to speak
out for you in parliament, but to tell you to tighten the belt, bite
the bullet, eat lesser and work longer.

You voted for PAP, and your kids have to stay with you till 40 years
old, as they cannot afford the cheapest “public” housing.

You voted for PAP, and your government tells you that their
interpretation of subsidies is the profit that they forgo making,
instead of actually paying part of the cost.

You voted for PAP, and everyone in Singapore suddenly got elevated to
Swiss standard of living, except you, and everyone around you.

You voted for PAP, and your neighbors can sell your home for you
(en-block), whether you like it or not.

You voted for PAP, and your organs automatically belongs to the
government (HOTA).

You voted for PAP, and you have to pay administration fee to use your
own money when you are sick (Medisave).

You voted for PAP, and your sons get to spend 2 or more years as free
labour in National Service and 13 more years as reservists, so that
the foreigners can have a safe country to work in.

You voted for PAP, and you found out that each of your son is worth
$30k, because that is what you are going to get if your son die while
serving the foreigners.

You voted for PAP, and you get a grand party every year on 9th August
celebrating more salaries for PAP.Not everyone is invited though, you
will still have to ballot for it.

You voted for PAP, and they tell you that there is a corner called
Hong Lim Park where you can go to talk all you want, other than that,
shut up unless you have something nice to say.

You voted for PAP, and you get a world-bottom “nation-building” press
serving you the latest propaganda, regardless of truth.

You voted for PAP, and in order to buy a car, you have to first pay
for a piece of paper that cost more than the car itself.

You voted for PAP, and you must vote for PAP! You cannot even think
about not voting for PAP. Because a certain inaccurate old man said
that he will call in the army if you don’t.

So vote for PAP. Read the list above again, and vote for PAP. Go
ahead, vote for PAP. More good years eh? Vote for PAP. For Swiss
standard of living. Vote for PAP. Mee Siam Mai Hum ok?"

End quote.